Deer Damage Recovery
Over 50% of this season's crop of trees are damaged or destroyed.

Mature Trees Destroyed
Many established fruit trees have been broken or girdled. These are the "mother trees" of the nursery that provide propagation material for grafting the next generation of trees. It will take at least three years to replace these trees.

Young Trees Severely Damaged
ALL of the two-year-old fruit trees have been completely defoliated and chewed back to 2-3' tall -- they should typically be 6' tall at this stage. These will likely recover but will need at least another year before they ready to sell.

How to Help
Please consider making a donation to help Heartwood Nursery recover and regrow. You can add a donation when you place your plant order, or send a PayPal donation via the button below.
Your support will help keep locally grown fruit and nut trees available to our community.